
Hello, my name is Carl Sanjurjo and on May 5th, 2018 I suffered a stroke. 

I could not believe this was happening since I worked out five days a week and was in pretty good shape for my age.  Worse yet according to the MRI, it was the second stroke I was having.  The first had gone unnoticed.  

The days that followed were filled with trepidation and isolation.  It didn’t matter to me that Stroke was such a common occurrence that whole hospital wings were dedicated to the treatment of this ailment.  No one understood what I was going through and they certainly didn't know what I was feeling.  Yet through it all I had the feeling I was ready for that challenge that lay ahead.  If anyone could get through this I was the person who could and would get through it. 

In the weeks that followed I observed a strict recovery plan, and studied as much as I could about The Brain, Neuroplasticity, Neurogenesis, and Consciousness, just to name a few.

And since then I have come to realize that upon facing a life-threatening event we can choose to survive it or to let it catapult us to greatness.  I  hope to keep pursuing the latter.  


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